How do you do it?
I pluck and thread my eyebrows...

However, using the epilator gave me plenty of ingrown hairs which I undoubtedly picked at all the time which often lead to scars. I found 'Silkimiz' which is basically sand paper for your legs and removes hair when used in gentle circular motions. This wasn't great as the hairs started to grow back the next day, but is a great thorough exfoliation method.
My first ever attempt at removing hair on my legs was with an epilator. That's the only device my mum allowed me to use, she went on as if a razor was the devil. I continued to use this method for years.
However, using the epilator gave me plenty of ingrown hairs which I undoubtedly picked at all the time which often lead to scars. I found 'Silkimiz' which is basically sand paper for your legs and removes hair when used in gentle circular motions. This wasn't great as the hairs started to grow back the next day, but is a great thorough exfoliation method.
I tried waxing a few times, but it's just too messy, the hair removal creams smell so bad I just can't bring myself to continuously use them.
I then decided to use razors "the devil device", however women's razors are TERRIBLE, the first time I used one I scraped a layer of skin off my leg. I scrapped that and opted for men's razors which I have been using for the past couple of years.
Personally I haven't found my leg hairs to have grown back thicker or darker because of using razors, I don't get any ingrown hairs but it is a bit of a pain to do it regularly, whereas with the epilator I did it every week or so.
However, now we have IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology, which we can use at the comfort of our own home for permanent / reduction in hair removal instead of shelling out the £££'s for laser treatment at a salon.
You have made me smile: my mother also thinks that the razor is the devil but I must admit is the most common method I use... Especially the Gillette Venus ones.
I would love to try I-pulse!
@socialitedreams Ahhh I agree with the waxing, it's just too painful!
@Crystal Try mens razors, you will be converted :)
I hate hair. Im lucky i don't have it on my body but my moustache grows with a vengence!! I thread it myself and thats all I can do i guess as im too scared to laser my face!! Let us know how your leg experiment goes!!
By the way I pissed myself over you last comment. Thank you hon xx
@Stacey or shall I say dave? lol, I love the fusion too! x
I also like oriental wax with sugar-based.
But one must suffer to be beautiful! :)
Please let us know how the at home laser goes. I would love to get rid of the hair on my legs once and for all if it works.
oh well its kinda nice to know someone else had it the same.
I started off with an epilator but it was just way to painful so Ive gone with waxing now for like 5 years and its great. smooth soft long lasting hair free legs.
its the way to go !
hiya to all hijab wearers
got some beautiful unique hijabs going for sale
do chek them out
Here's my breakdown:
lip: waxing or threading (I prefer threading - but sometimes it hurts too much - easier to just rip off in one go!)
underarms: epilator (I use a battery operated travel epliator from Argos - have been using it for 10 years - I have very little growth left - yay!)
arms - wax once in a while - I'm not that hairy - but smooth arms just looks nice in the summmer. Brazilian wax - get this professionally done every 1-2 months.
Legs - shave.
I use wax strips, before using I hold'em against a sack with boiled water, so the wax gets soft. I use them for ALL my bodyparts, if u understand what I mean :) ..
Smooth, no mess, no itching, no ingrown hair for 2 months, but I must say I need some mental preparation before I start :P (To think afterwards it wasn't that painful).
I do not wax my face, I epilate them, wish I could thread though..
Anyways, this is my first time commenting and my comment is already becoming too long, but I just want to say something.. french :P :
Je love u and ur blog beaucoup! Muaah~
I find that the venus razors are the only ladies' razors comparable in quality to men's razors. I hate lotions cause they smell and that was embarassing after I got married. I love waxing, but only if I can afford to go to a salon. my face I use a combination of mini wax strips and thread. I use the epilator occasionally on my legs, and always on my underarms.
You say that you don't get excess growth from shaving, but do you think that might be because you started out with epilating which weakened all the growth? I find shaving gives me ingrowns and my aesthetician always scolds me for it.
I only have a bit hair on my legs thats why i don't bother much..But ofc I want to remove it, the information you gave i will remember and please update us with the the legs hair removers you got=)
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I had a look on the Boots website though and when I do the test it says my skin is probably too dark to use it which is a bit worrying. You seem to be darker skinned than me though so if it works out ok for you im definitely going to consider it. Out of curiosity do you fake tan at all? I'm just a tad darker than nc20 all over y body i'd say, is that lighter than you? Sorry for so many q's but it'd really help me knowing :)
I can't wait to see your updated post on the IPL!