3 Winter Must Haves!
Here are my 3 favourite Winter products, I should use them all the time but they really do get much more use this season!

- Lush Lemony Flutter - Keep those cuticles in tip top condition by applying this lemon scented butter regularly and use as a night time treatment all over your hands to reveal softer moisturised hands by morning. Why not add to your lips and use as a lip balm too? I do. (Read my full review HERE.)
- Bio Oil - Use once a week on your face instead of your night cream to keep your skin nourished and moisturised. You can also use this on any other dry patches such as elbows and knees to add extra moisture.
- Lush Snow Fairy - Make shower time fun with this candy floss, bubblegum and sweet scented shower gel. It will make early mornings and cold days that much more enjoyable!
What are your Winter Must Haves?
Aysh xoxo
Palmer's cocoa butter sits by my kitchen sink, I apply it before wearing my dish washing gloves.
Burt's Bees Lemon Butter, sort of like lemony flutter.
Penaten Daily Clear Protection Cream, Like Vaseline only a LOT thicker, good for heals.
I just don't have one specific one for my face yet, because most make me break out.
xo, Jay