Keeping Warm..

I got Peanut a jumper yesterday and I LOVE it. Doesn't he look warm and cute?

Mmmmm, licking his nose as he waits for his treat!

I purchased the jumper from a local pet boutique for £10.99 from a brand called Trixie. However, I think I will attempt to make my own from now on.

Can you believe he will be 1 on the 9th of December, remember when I first blogged about him HERE? Any ideas on what I should do for his birthday? :)


MARTA said…
He looks so super cute in his tiny outfit! After a year he keeps looking great :D
Unknown said…
he is absolutely adorable!! too precious!! have a great holiday!

He is adorable :) I love his clothes LOL
Tugba said…
Ooo sooo cute ;) It def suits him well. HIS STYLE :)
Anonymous said…
So cute!
Willow hates hers. She got one in pink and grey but she's a tomboy!
I put it on at night as a pijama but there's no way.

Willow loves when I make liver cake:
-1 pound of liver (pork or cow or chicken)
-1 pound of self raising flower
-1 egg
-1 tube of garlic pure
Blitz everything and cook in the oven for about 20-30 mins. They love it! And you will get a big cake.
I use it for our walks in the park/woods as a high value treat. She runs away and that kind of keeps her close to me. Who's the clever one now!

Muhsine Emin said…
@Mercedes Yes Peanut only wears his jumper when he's going out, otherwise he will chew his way out of it :), willows outfit sounds cute! Thank for the recipe, I shall give it a try! :) x
Anonymous said…
Peanut is adorable in his new jumper!
I have 2 white Boxers.
Marisa said…
one year already?? Seems like you posted about him yesterday!!!!
He looks so adorable!
luv2smilexo said…
omg he is so adorable!! I think he needs a christmas sweater. One year my dogs had christmas sweaters that made them look like presents. It was so adorable
Unknown said…
Aww he looks adorable! The jumper is so cute!

Unknown said…
How adorable!!

Love it, I have to get my dog a new jumper, probably get her one for xmas.
aww wot a cutie!!! one year already! aww that outfit looks so lovley :) hmm i wonder if they do them for cats?? lol! main question should really be, will mine wear one!

Aysh xoxo
Awww he looks super cute!!!!Now that he's older he looks more adorable!!
Isabelle said…
ohh we have birthday on the same day :) He is so cute <3
i normally don't like clothes on dogs, but this sweater on peanut is just TOO cute!
Joy said…
Awww so cute! I remember when you first introduced him to us (I've been reading your blog for ages but only officially became a follower a few weeks back), I can't believe it's been a year already!

If you do make him a little jumper, you gotta show us! A little Santa's outfit would be tres cute!
absolutely so adorable!
Very cute :)
Nic's Notebook said…
Aww look at Peanut! We were talking today about getting our pup a coat for the winter!
liketreasure said…
That is so cute! I've got a 6 month old Labrador and I've been looking for something like this for her, I don't want my wee baby getting cold! Haha :) x
Natasha82 said…
Peanut looks handsome, he is precious! Happy birthday Peanut!
Lucy said…
Ah, he is so cute :-)
fantastic said…
his little sweater is so cute! i feel so bad for the doggies that I see outside in people's yards--especially in this freezing cold weather! It makes me want to throw them a blanket :(

Each year on my dog's bday, I make her homemade cookies and treats..she usually goes crazy if they have any peanut butter in them. Then I just make sure that we go for a long walk, and walk past all of her favorite friends (the neighbor's dogs) haha. xx
Eat The Bread! said…
He is so cute it made me tear up! I must be a little over emotional right now though, hehe. I love him. What kind of dog is he?
Terri said…
Haha i have just got my pug a red one similar to this! Have a great birthday!!
Terri said…
Haha i have just got my pug a red one similar to this! Have a great birthday!!
Terri said…
Haha i have just got my pug a red one similar to this! Have a great birthday!!
civciv said…
he looks soo cute *_*
I loVe it too !
omgosh my dog is also called Peanut and shes a jack russel, but shes a girl haha
Jen said…
aww cutie! :)
mssiamese18 said…
Peanut is one cute guy.....I would love to get my rottweiller a jumper but I doubt they make her size and since she does'nt like wearing her rain coat I do'nt think i stand much of a chance....I think loving peanut as much as you do would be his idea of a birthday gift...x
ellamarie84 said…
awww what a cutie pie Peanut is! Can't believe he'll be a year old, wow!
Anonymous said…
this is too cute glad im not the olnly one that dresses my baby up lol
Isabel said…
AHHH!! So cuutttee!! I can never get my dogs to wear anything now. My shih tzu, especially. He bites everything >_<
Style Souk said…
Bless the little cutiepie! :)

I love your beauty posts but wish there were more about Peanut. It lights up my day whenever you write about him.

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