Less is more...

Well sometimes more is more, but less is more in this instance.

At the moment I am on a minimal make up kick. I have been focusing more on my skin than anything else.

I have been loving up my Bourjois 10hr sleep effect foundation, I actually wore this foundation on my wedding day. However, this foundation isn't for everybody. I will do a full review on it soon. Here's exactly what I'm wearing;

  • Face - Bourjois 10hr sleep effect and Mac sheer mystery powder to set.
  • Cheeks - Eyeko bronzing cream and Mac Lilicent blush creme on apples of cheeks.
  • Eyes - Max factor lash extension mascara. (+ Maybelline liquid mineral concealer under the eyes.)
  • Lips - Mac Lilicent blush creme and Benefit 'posh' lipliner.

Here's a closeup of my lashes, I actually attended a Max Factor bloggers event today and this was one of the things that were in my goodie bag. It's a really interesting mascara that deserves its own post.

What kind of make up look are you wearing a lot of lately?


Anonymous said…
I think you look lovely with that natural make up Muhsine
Zoella. said…
You look STUNNING, i wish i could pull of so little :) x
Muhsine Emin said…
@Legseleven7 Thanks sweetie :) X

@Zoella Thanks honey and oh please, you don't even need make up :) X
ellamarie84 said…
You look gorgeous as always, you could wear a paper bag and look fabulous :)

You've made me very curious about this bourjois fdtn, excited about your upcoming review!
Unknown said…
Absolutely stunning, your skin is to die for! xx
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous look! I haven't seen this lipstick before. It looks lovely, I might just have to try it for myself ;-)
Laura-PBN said…
Blimey, you are so beautiful. I always think you look gorgeous but not many look this good without make up. I'm jealous! xx
Stunning - I think I'm liking the look of that mascara!
You look stunning! I LOVE the natural look on you! :) x
Kelly said…
WOW you look lovely - really like the natural look :)
Hollywood said…
The less is more I agree! you look terrific your lashes look fabulous !!!
Εvi said…
I'm going through a "less make-up" phase, too! That, until I rediscover an old stunning eyeshadow and go crazy over it...
India said…
You look great! xx
Karleigh said…
you are so beautiful! I bought that mascara yesterday, wore it 2day and love it =D
L S F K said…
You're so naturally beautiful, I'm jealous! xx
stunner! Natural looks are the best!
Anonymous said…
gorgeous! I wanted to try bourjois 10 hour effect foundation but the shades are quite pinky and there isn't a huge selection =(. btw, your skin is lovely. XX
Tali said…
Your skin looks flawless here!! My god!
Was the event good?

I was SO not impressed by imats. The best bit was the girls I went out for lunch with! That part I adored!!

What a lovely make up,you are so right less is more,it isn't cool to be like a clown...
Anonymous said…
You look absolutely gorgeous with less makeup! :)
Unknown said…
You are a natural beauty, love that look on you :)

You are right sometimes less is more, actualy makes you see colours with other eyes after sometime, at least to me...
and makes you redescover the basic.
Great post Muhsine :)
Fifi said…
I love this - especially the lip color! It looks so natural. I lately have been wearing less makeup too, except on the weekends. And DANG I envy your lashes!
Camille Santos said…
simple yet it screams pretty..and the lashes!!that mascara did lenghtens..woah..
Kate said…
Your skin looks amazing! As do your lashes!
Really interested to see your review of the Max Factor lash extensions mascara:)
Apparently, Max Factor is going out of business here in the U.S. I am like TOTALLY obsessed with the English Rose lipstick you always wear...personally, I think that the nude look is gorgeous on you, but for just a natural pop of color, you could mix the Milicent with a speck of the English Rose. I wish I could find that lippie here, I LOOOOVE it on you! ♥
Tish said…
Less is definitely more! I love how fresh and still defined you look in the photos. I honestly haven't been wearing foundation for the past couple of weeks and I feel great. I'm sure my skin is loving me for it.
Lived With Love said…
Your skin looks flawless! What have you found to help scarring? xx
Happy Mixy said…
merhaba kirpikleriniz takma mı?
Muhsine Emin said…
Thanks so much girls :) you are all very lovely and encouraging! X

@Lollipop that's VERY kind!

@Tali yes max factor was really good, had a great time. imats just seems so hectic but I would have loved to have met up with all you girls too! :( X

@Gabriela Thank you, spot on with your thoughts, it's nice to take a step back sometimes. X

@Glamour♥Junkie omg whyyy? that's really sad hopefully it's just a rumour. I love english rose, I had it on the day before yesterday :)

@Kerry I still have scars but not as bad, they are fading, I would suggest exfoliating 2X a week and being patient, most of my scars were recent so time has been its healer. I will blog about my skin soon, promise. X

@Happy Mixy hayir takma degil, kendiliginden uzun ama rimmel daha uzun gosteriyor, yakinda 'review' yapacagim.
Anonymous said…
ur gorgeous !!
been doing less too for now

xo mw
Natalya said…
you look naturally radiant. Absolutely stunning :)
LillianZahra said…
Your skin looks so flawless! And I'd love to see a post on the Max Factor mascara - it looks great! x
Muhsine Emin said…
@MW & Natalya thank you so much girls :)

@LilyLipstick thank you, I will be reviewing it after a few uses.
M said…
you look so fresh faced and pretty!

Unknown said…
You have gorgeous long lashes! You are so stunning!
Anonymous said…
SO glad to see a post on natural beauty!! Isn't that the best kind?! (: You are gorgeous and you natural beauty looks is FLAWLESS! keep up the good work, your blog is amazing!


Christel said…
You are stunning!!! Love this look on you! I've been trying to rock the 'less is more' look myself lately as it's summer here and just far too hot to wear anything but the basics! :P
Luxe. said…
Your skin is amazing!.x
Charlene said…
Honey look at ur lashes!! So wispy and amazin'!! :) ur skin is gorgeous! xo
Muhsine Emin said…
@M and @Charlotte thanks girls :) X

@Hannah thanks, that's so sweet, I just think it's too much wearing so much makeup all the time and there's no need to influence others to do so.

@makeupper oh lucky you, I wish it was summer here too! :)

@Luxe thanks, I'm taking good care of it.

@Charlene thanks honey :) xx

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