Corn Row / Sew in Hair Extensions
I finally got my extensions today... :)

I went to an Afro carribean hair salon, and can I say.. why didn't I do this before?
It looks quite natural from the back and the side, the colour match is perfect! She also layered the hair in to make it look more like mine!
The hair itself cost £35.99 from an Afro Carribean hair shop, it's 18 inch 100% human hair weft. At the salon they charged £5 a row.. I have 4 rows, 2 of which are double wefts of hair. In total it cost me £56 including the hair.
I went to an Afro carribean hair salon, and can I say.. why didn't I do this before?
Basically what she did was corn row (braids) in rows into my hair starting from the bottom, she used extra bits of hair while cornrowing it to make it a tiny bit thicker. The cornrow itself was about half a cm. She secured the row into place by sewing it, then sewed in the extension onto the corn row. It hurt a little bit as it's quite tight, but it was bearable :)

The hair itself cost £35.99 from an Afro Carribean hair shop, it's 18 inch 100% human hair weft. At the salon they charged £5 a row.. I have 4 rows, 2 of which are double wefts of hair. In total it cost me £56 including the hair.
It will last approx 1 month, maybe longer.. I think this is a great step to go for after clip ins, as it just looks so natural and you don't have to take them out at night, or worry about the wind blowing it off... It's also not damaging to the hair, once the rows get loose you take them out and can have them put back in again. easy as that! Oh and it took just less than an hour to complete.
it's just so nice to finally have long hair after trying to grow it.. I haven't had hair this long since I was 11! what do you think? :) xx
you can't even tell.
the colour match is perfect and they look so natural
they look gorgeous on you :)
It would look really cute curled too.
You are such a stunning lady! I am loving the hair, this look is amazing. I adore reading your blog. Im Brasilian and my boyfriend is from Cyprus:)
Last year I have been wearing my clip in extension but I have been contemplating putting extensions in can you please recomend me the afro beauty hair salaon in London? xox
the hair is an exact color match and you can pull of both short and long hair!!
you pretty pretty girl :D
I think I am also going to do that, as we have alot of afro caribbean hair salons here..
I had this done about 2 years ago for a friends wedding but I didn't buy the hair myself and in the afro caribbean shop they just sew in their own hair - it ended up matted and very hard to control after about a week!!! May have to go down your route but don't think I'd have to confidence to pull it off esp at work!
let us know how you get on with washing and styling them!
i hope you go back to the short hair soon.
It matches your hair really good.
What's your ethnicity, btw?
Anonymous - Since when does long hair mean little girl. lol
That was such a silly statement.
I'm really interested in this method of extensions. I asked in my local afro Caribbean hairdressers and it would cost me around £45 to have it done. I just want to know if its still looking good and fairing well?
I don't want to get them done if they are going to look matted and stuff after a week or so. Also are they easy to handle/style? How much should you wash them etc? I will be greatful for any info you can share with me!
btw you look gorgeous!
in london?
im in london almost every other week, for work.
i would so love that done to my hair!
rubey x