Blogging IS the new media!

I heart beauty bloggers!

I support and recognise the beauty bloggers who portray real opinions on products expressing their experiences, obsessions and daily discoveries.

The way in which we buy products are quickly changing, consumers are becoming more aware and are actually researching products before they buy. The internet is proving to become an invaluable source within the beauty community by raising brand and product awareness. Beauty blogging is helping the consumer to make an informed decision; bloggers are increasing by the minute enabling the consumer / researcher to have a wide variety of written material to read from.

The majority of Beauty bloggers are not professionals within the sector; they are blogging as a hobby, as a way of therapy. They do not get paid to blog and do it for the love of beauty. This is what separates them from beauty editors, the reason why they started blogging was because they themselves were researching and experimenting with products and realised they had something to share and wanted to voice their opinion. Beauty bloggers love what they do and are genuinely interested in discovering new and existing products, some are ‘professionals’ in their own right, having a qualification in something does not mean you are a professional, however experience talks.

If you support the beauty blogging community, please add this stamp to your blog if you have one!


Anonymous said…
I completely agree!

Blogs, YouTube and makeupalley have changed the way I buy forever. I am making informed choices, not being seduced by smart advertisements and cute packaging.. Well, most of the time ':D
Hollywood said…
it's definitely a therapy to me...and I love beauty bloggers so much
Unknown said…
I couldn't agree more. I honestly trust real woman (aka beauty bloggers ) over beauty editors because real woman who blog are going to tell you the trust, the real facts and the good/bad/ugly. Beauty editors usually just tell about the good. I don't want to know just about the good... I want to know what DOESN'T work as well. I have learned so many things from beauty bloggers and have found so many cool products. I love seeing real woman wearing the product I am researching and how it worked for them. Seeing it on someones skin vs just a picture of the product is 10 times more helpful.
Lexi A-N said…
I tagged you in my first award give away... check out the link lovely !

I absolutely agree! That "article" was so infuriating! If we are not professionals, that doesn't mean we don;t try out the products, work with them, and see how they treat our features? Completely ridiculous.

I love your blog and always trust what you have to say because you're a beautiful and genuine person =]
Stephanie said…
I completely agree!!
Wasn't there a beauty journalist who recently slammed bloggers?
Completely out of order, I LOVE the fact that bloggers actually give their own opinion as opposed to being paid to only give positive opinions. Great post!
Great idea! I posted yesterday saying, I'm a beauty blogger hear me roar. Let's celebrate the positives and how great our COMMUNITY is.

I will add this for sure!!
jennie said…
I completely agree! I trust the opinion of beauty bloggers far more, you get to hear the bad as well as the good.

The beauty community is something pretty special I think. People holding giveaways and sending lovely things to someone that you've never met before is amazing.

We do it because we love it, and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said…
So well said!
How cute is this post :)

I went over to see THAT article again am suprised by the latest comments that have been added, but ho hum they are entitled to their opinion and we are entitled to ours!
Heather S. said…
I love reading beauty blogs and I'm trying to let every author of the blogs I faithfully follow that they are very much appreciated. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate all the fun and hard work you put into your posts :)
Unknown said…
I'm deffo adding it! Great Post Muhsine! :) xx
Anonymous said…
I totally agree, putting the lovely badge/sticker on my blog.
SweetTea said…
Yay for beauty blogger love!! :D
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with you!Great post, I put the stamp on my blog!Yeah for beauty bloggers!
rosey said…
very well said! =)
R.C. said…
you said it! I think beauty editors themselves are probably passionate about makeup products themselves, but there should not be such a big blogger backlash as I have been seeing lately. Bloggers deserve to be respected in the beauty community and recognized as major influencers! We speak the truth, are not necissarily paid or endorsed to promote certain products and dish it out in real time. I think that for as long as we are honest we are credible! Great post, and good for you for bringing this up into discussion
Kate Gene said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Copper Comet said…
added the button to my blog :)
Anonymous said…
I agree ,I love reading other bloggers blog and i must say alot of my fav products are from reading fellow bloggers blog ,ill always love beauty blogs.
im def putting the stamp on my blog=)

xo mw
Naty1129 said…
How can I add it? lol & I totally agree, this is my hobby and therapy.
Bea said…
I absolutely agree with what you written. well, im definitely add the icon at my blog. :)
Victoria said…
What a cool idea :) I'm going to add this to my sidebar xxx
Michélle said…
Totally agree, Muhsine!
I would much rather read a review from a beauty blogger than an online magazine's (who is paid and sponsored).
Shortiee31 said…
Couldn't have said it any better myself! *Adds stamp to blog!*
Unknown said…
Totally agree!
Discovering beauty blogs just made my life complete. I love reading new things by some really inspiring people (like urself) and knowing there's other make up lovers like me out there :)
Am adding this stamp to my blog!
ArtDonatella said…
Hello there...not all bloggers are honest, like you...and I actually trust your reviews, and you give your opinion on cheaper products as well, not just Nars, YSL,blah-blah etc. I appreciate your honesty, but I feel that not all the reviews I find on the Blogs are true ...that's just me.
Hannah said…
couldn't agree with you more! just added the stamp to my blog :) xx
Ondo Lady said…
Hear Hear!! I Heart Beauty Bloggers (adds lovely badge to blog)
Anonymous said…
Brilliant post! Until I started blogging etc, I never realised how much more I'm influenced by what the bloggers say. There is a place for beauty editors but all products have a head start when used by these 'professionals' who probably have perfect skin, hair etc due to the fact that they have been testing/using 'creme de la creme' products for years. What works for them may not work for somebody without such a track record. Now I just need to try and add this stamp to my blog!
Unknown said…
Well said. Your badge is going in my sidebar now, thanks!
Sensi-Chic said…
Here here!!! We totally agree!!
Lydia said…
Well said! I am gonna add this to my blog now :)
LionLovingTiger said…
Great post at a time when it very much needed to be
rosey said…
added the button on my blog and linked your post =)
Marguerite N. said…
Awesome post and I decided to write a post. I'll add this image for sure!
I agree and I spread the voice :)
D said…
i agree!!! check out my beauty blog
G. said…
I just found your post via and I LOVE what you wrote and thank you for it! I'll be adding this badge to my site today. :)
Alee said…
Love this! Definitely support the Beauty Blogging community, so i'll be posting this on my blog <3
Lilllisal said…
I completely agree with yours and the above opinions. The way I see it, we're like a consumers' association and we're just trying to watch out for each other. Journalists and companies should remember we are the customer. I'll be adding this stamp to my blog immediately.
Emily Lilly said…
I love reading and watching beauty bloggers on youtube and here :) im always checking out different things on them like make up tips and stuff. they have all made me love make up and fashion :) they even inspired me to start up my own blog about fashion and beauty :) please check it out if you want
YB* said…
I agree with you! Adding this to my blog right now! Great blog btw!
Unknown said…
i agree, blogging about makeup and beauty is such a fun hobby and it helps other people, too ☺♥
Anonymous said…
Couldn't have put it better myself! Blogging has opened me up to new possibilities, new brands and products and has allowed me to enter the most amazing blogosphere of lovely beauty bloggers!

Congrats on your baby btw! x
Geena said…
I AGREE !! check out my blog. im new and am just playing around and throwing looks and info out there that i know !
Reshah said…
I totally agree with this, and i love reading ur blogg. :) xoxo
Reshah said…
I totally agree with this, and i love readin ur blogg. :) xoxo

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